
 / infrastructure / Indapro™ 4193

Indapro™ 4193

is valued in the adhesive industry for its ability to improve the flexibility, durability, and performance of adhesives through plasticization and copolymerization

  • works by integrating into the polymer matrix, reducing intermolecular forces, and thereby lowering the glass transition temperature of the adhesive
  • particularly beneficial for adhesives applied in flexible substrates or in environments where temperature fluctuations are common
  • its unsaturated nature allows it to participate in copolymerization reactions with various vinyl monomers, such as vinyl acetate, styrene, and acrylics
  • resulting copolymers can exhibit tailored properties, including improved adhesive strength, flexibility, and resistance to environmental degradation
  • is compatible with a wide range of polymer bases used in adhesive formulations, ensuring that it can be effectively incorporated without adversely affecting the adhesive's properties or performance

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