
The refinery industry is crucial in transforming crude oil and gas into essential products that fuel economies worldwide. Despite its importance, the industry faces challenges related to environmental impact and sustainability, prompting ongoing innovations and adaptations toward cleaner and more efficient processes. As global energy demands evolve, the refinery industry must balance operational efficiency with environmental responsibility and adapt to changing energy landscapes.

primary refinery products 

  • fuels: Including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and heating oil, which are used for transportation, heating, and powering engines
  • lubricants: Such as motor oils and grease, which reduce friction in engines and machinery
  • petrochemicals: Used as raw materials in the production of plastics, synthetic rubber, fertilizers, and other chemicals
  • asphalt and road oil: Used in paving roads and roofing
  • feedstocks for chemical processes: Such as ethylene, propylene, and butadiene, derived from crude oil and used in chemical plants
corrosion inhibitors

Corrosion inhibitors play a crucial role in the refinery industry by protecting metallic equipment, pipelines, and structures from corrosive processes that can compromise their integrity, functionality, and safety. The highly corrosive nature of many substances handled in refineries, including crude oil, refined products, and various process chemicals, necessitates the use of these inhibitors to extend the lifespan of refinery infrastructure and reduce maintenance costs and potential operational hazards.

Corrosion inhibitors are added to fluids (such as water, crude oil, and other process chemicals) to prevent the chemical or electrochemical reactions that lead to corrosion in metals. Many inhibitors work by forming a thin, protective film on the surface of the metal that acts as a barrier against corrosive agents. Some inhibitors cause the metal surface to passivate, reducing its chemical reactivity and slowing down the corrosion process.

benefits of using corrosion inhibitors 

  • increased equipment lifespan: By preventing corrosion, inhibitors extend the functional life of refinery equipment, reducing the frequency and costs associated with replacements and repairs
  • improved safety: Reducing corrosion helps prevent leaks and structural failures, which can lead to safety hazards, including fires and explosions
  • operational efficiency: Maintaining the integrity of equipment through corrosion prevention ensures optimal operational efficiency and reduces unplanned downtime

Indapro™ 57 Series, based alkenyl succinic anhydrides (ASA) technology, are organic compounds used in various industrial applications, including in the refining and processing sectors. They can be modified to produce corrosion inhibitors that protect refinery equipment and pipelines from deterioration. 

Texalene™ 7275 is a processing aid used to protect surfaces in steel and alloys throughout the fuel supply chain. It is an organic, ashless synthetic carboxylic acid, that is thermally and oxidatively stable. Process equipment, storage tanks, and fuel pipelines are better protected when low levels are added to fuels.